Javascript simulator

The simulator/ folder contains the javascript based epidemic simulator. The simulator is designed to run on a browser. The simulator is to be served via a webserver. The below command (based on the OS), run in the repo root directory, will serve the simulator files via a webserver on port 8000. The port number can changed to any available port number.

If you have enabled the python3 virtualenv as instructed in staticInst/ python -m http.server 8000.

If you are running with your default system installation of python2: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000.

Once, the web-server is running, you can open your web browser and access localhost:8000 or to access the simulator. If you press the Run button on the webpage, you should be able to view plots generated by the simulator. In addition, if you need to download the simulator outputs for independent processing, you could disable the ‘WEBPAGE_VERSION’ flag in sim.js to download the simulator outputs in .csv format.

The simulator injests the city-wide instatiation files generated using the scripts in staticInst. The minimum files the simulator expects are: * individuals.json - Information about individuals in the synthetic city. * houses.json - Information about households in the city. * workplaces.json - Information about workplaces in the city. * schools.json - Information about schools in the city * commonArea.json - Information about the community spaces in the city * wardCentreDistance.json - Information about the inter-ward distances. * fractionPopulation.json - Information about fraction of the population residing in each ward.

simulator/python_scripts_CPP/ and simulator/python_scripts_CPP/plotting_scripts These subfolders in simulator contains: 1) the main calibration script ( that can be used to calibrate (tune) the cpp-simulator beta values to a given fatalities time series, and 2) plotting scripts that can be used to generate plots from the cpp-simulator outputs.