Setting up the python environment

In order to run the city building script, we would need to get a few python packages. It would be easiest to not mess with the internal python distribution and get these packages on a separate virtual environment.

$ ~/tutorial/markov_simuls > python3 -m venv edaDev
$ ~/tutorial/markov_simuls > source edaDev/bin/activate
(edaDev) $ ~/tutorial/markov_simuls >

Installing the necessary packages

This will create a separate folder called edaDev which is a local sandbox for everything we are doing. All packages that we will now install within the edaDev virtual environment will be installed inside this folder and will not affect the whole system. If you are comfortable with Anaconda, there are lot of guides to help you setup a virtualenv.

(edaDev) $ ~/tutorial/markov_simuls > pip install -r staticInst/requirements.txt

With these packages installed, we are now ready to actually build the city.

Known issues

In Windows, we have seen users facing issues with the geopandas library.