
  1. a recent version of the g++ compiler (version 7 or later) or clang (version 11 or later should work, though we have have not tested), and optionally openmp (this is to enable parallelization, and can be disabled easily, see below in the compiling section if your installation does not provide it),

  2. The make program.

  3. The bash shell.

  4. The gnuplot program for generating some of the plots.

  5. python pointing to a python3 executable with matplotlib and pandas installed, in your execution PATH. (Otherwise, you will have to edit the python invocation in the shell script to point to such a python3 installation.)

On windows, the easiest way to get these is to install msys2 shell from here. However, it may be tricky to get an MSYS installation with a python3 capable of installing pandas. You might then have to point MSYS to actually use your Windows python3 installation. Let me know if you need help.

On Mac and Linux, most of the above programs are typically already there, or else are easy to install with a package manager.

You can then follow the set-up instructions to install the other required python packages in the setting up the python environment page.

Enabling feature to load–store simulator state

The simulator has a feature where the state of the infection spread among the agents in the syntheic city can be saved and used at a later simulation run. The store and load feature is implemented by storing the agents’ state into a protobuf and you will need to install protobuf for cpp in your development or simulation environment if you plan to use the load–store feature.

You can setup protobuf for cpp on a Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distribution with the following commands. Please note that, the simulator uses protobuf v.3.13.0.

  • Install prerequisite software: sudo apt install automake cmake autoconf libtool make g++

  • Download Protobuf v.3.13.0 as a compressed tarball: wget

  • Extract the tarball: tar -xvf protobuf-cpp-3.13.0.tar.gz

  • Go to the extracted directory: cd protobuf-3.13.0

  • Run the command: ./configure

  • Run the command: make

  • Run the command: make check

  • Run the command: sudo make install

  • Run the command: sudo ldconfig

Note: You will need to setup the same version of protobuf while running simulations also.