“Security and privacy in CPS have received considerable attention in the past decade and there is thrust to develop mechanisms to detect attacks, take remedial actions, build attack-resilient systems, and keep information private. While research on security and privacy have produced a large spectrum of results individually, studies that assess the impact of security on privacy, and vice-versa, are fairly limited. Given that the goals, the information availability, and the mechanisms of the attacker and the eavesdropper are different, one may opine that security and privacy of a system are unrelated. Contrary to this, we show that a fundamental connection and trade-off exists between these two notions. We show this in two settings – stochastic setting where noise is used implement privacy, and deterministic setting where we consider the notion of opacity.”
“Vaibhav Katewa is a faculty at the Robert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems and an associate faculty at the Department of ECE at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He was a postdoc in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Riverside from 2017-2019. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame 2016 in Electrical Engineering. His broad research interests are in the analysis and design of dynamical systems and networks using tools from control theory, optimization, learning and network science. Specific areas of interest include security and privacy for cyber-physical systems, sparse feedback control design, distributed detection, estimation and control, and networked control systems.”