“Software Engineering interviews are very different from the actual Software Engineering work on the job. Clearing interviews is what a lot of experienced people, who are pretty good at their work, also struggle with. To standardize the interview process, top tech companies (also called FAANG companies, acronym for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix & Google) have standardized their interview process & various other companies have adopted the pattern. In this talk, I would be telling about the pattern & also how to prepare for it. 10 years back, people studied computer science books to prepare but the RoI of the activity has become fairly limited & much more optimized 'algorithms' have come out, which if followed, will lead to a better chance of clearing interviews. He has written about his own experience of preparing for these interviews at https://pocha.substack.com/p/how-to-start-preparing-for-algods .”
“Ashish is a 20 year industry experience holder, (under) graduated from IIT Madras in 2005, did his own startups, struggled to get into the corporate world when his startups failed & had to systematically prepare for getting into the FAANG companies. He has worked in Amazon (2017-18) & Facebook UK (2021-22) as Software Manager & Engineer respectively. He is currently chilling in life after doing a solo trans-continental motorcycle trip from London to India in 5 months covering 22,000 kms. Ashish currently works as Technology Consultant/Scientist at CNI lab in ECE dept. In his spare time, he gets paid for conducting mock interviews at a website IGotAnOffer.com . You can read about his career counseling skills at https://igotanoffer.com/en/coach/ashish-2”