Network Seminar Series

Trends and Challenges in Multi-cloud Networking and Observability.

Dr. Praveen Jayachandran, IBM



Enterprises are deploying applications across an increasingly large number of Public, Private and Edge Clouds. This talk will highlight some of the trends in this space and the challenges it poses on multi-cloud networking and observability across these geo-distributed Cloud environments. Specifically, the talk will explore challenges and approaches in supporting “application-aware” network connectivity across heterogeneous Cloud environments, leveraging Observability and AI-based operational analytics. We will also discuss how insights derived from analytics can assist intelligent automation for managing applications communicating across heterogeneous multi-cloud environments.

Dr. Praveen Jayachandran, IBM

Praveen Jayachandran is a senior technical staff member and senior manager of the Hybrid Cloud operations department at IBM Research, India. His work spans network management, observability, and managing systems and data at scale, specifically for multi-cloud, 5G and Edge environments. He is an IBM Master Inventor, a member of the IBM Academy of Technology, and a senior member of IEEE. He holds a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.