Imagine living in an intuitive interactive space without a need to understand the grammar of interaction with that space. One doesn't need to interact in a specific way or use voice commands (like Amazon Alexa) or always wear something (like smart bands or smart glasses). This intelligent space can be shared with others without degrading the user experience of interaction. Interestingly, this vision of seamless smart spaces is not novel and quite dated. However, we are yet to occupy this kind of space regularly. For this vision to become an everyday reality, we argue that there is a need for seamless multi-user wireless activity sensing. In this talk, we shall discuss how mmWave sensing can be leveraged to develop such a smart space, where the environment can sense the human beings within it and respond accordingly. We shall discuss specific use cases, like how your car can seamlessly monitor the dangerous driving behaviours by its driver (like talking with the passengers without focusing on the road, feeling sleepy and steering abnormally, taking food or drinking while driving, etc.) and respond accordingly, without requiring any camera or sensors to be deployed on the driver’s body. We’ll conclude talk with the future visions in this space, and highlight some interesting open research challenges.
Sandip Chakraborty is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2009 and Master of Technology (M Tech) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), both from IIT Guwahati, in 2011 and 2014, respectively. The primary research interests of Sandip are on various aspects of computer systems and networks, the development of assistive technologies for societal well-being, and the design of distributed, pervasive, and ubiquitous technologies over mobile devices and smartphones.Sandip is leading Ubiquitous Networked Systems Lab (UbiNet — at IIT Kharagpur, focusing on various aspects of ubiquitous and pervasive sensing systems along with computer-human interaction. He is leading multiple high-valued projects, sponsored by the Government of India as well as various industries like Intel, Oppo, HPE, TCS, and BEL. He is one of the founding members of ACM IMOBILE, the ACM SIGMOBILE chapter in India. He is working as an Area Editor of Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks journal and Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal. He has received various awards and accolades including INAE Young Engineers’ Award, Fellow of National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI), and so on. Further details about his works can be obtained from