Network Seminar Series

Evolution and Future of Multimedia Services in Wireless Networks

Chetna Singhal, IIT Kharagpur



Multimedia services are an integral part of our lives and we use them in various forms (entertainment, educational, or applications) through our devices (laptop, mobile, computer, television, tablets, smart glasses, etc.). New usecases and applications that use multimedia content in some form or the other, arise almost everyday. The wireless networks facilitate the seamless usage of such services by heterogeneous mobile users. Overall, the wireless networks have seen a surge in multimedia traffic and demand for high quality content in recent years. The advances in codecs, streaming architectures, and efficient network resource allocation solutions combinedly contribute towards enhanced multimedia services in mobile networks. This talk will discuss the evolution of Multimedia services and the expected future trends with the advent of next generation wireless networks. A few cross-layer optimization frameworks will also be discussed to analyze possible ways to enhance multimedia services in future wireless networks and evaluate their overall performance.

Chetna Singhal, IIT Kharagpur

Dr. Chetna Singhal received B.Eng. in Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Pune, India in 2008, M.Tech. degree in Computer Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in 2010, and Ph.D. degree also from IIT Delhi in 2015. She worked in IBM Software Lab, New Delhi, as a Software Engineer in 2010 for a year. She is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, IIT Kharagpur since 2015 and IEEE Senior Member since 2021. She received Pune University Gold medal, IIT Delhi Academic Excellence Award, and DST Inspire Faculty Fellowship in 2008, 2010, and 2015, respectively. Her research interests are in next generation heterogeneous wireless networks, UAV networks, with emphasis on cross-layer optimization, adaptive multimedia services, energy efficiency, and resource allocation.