Network Seminar Series

6TiSCH IoT Network : Formation, Challenges, and Recent Advancements

Manas Khatua, IIT Guwahati



We have witnessed the Fixed Internet connecting every computer andnetworking devices in the world followed by the Mobile Internet connectingsmart phones, tablets and laptops with it. However, in present time, theemergence of Interne of Things (IoT) has dwarfed both the Fixed and MobileInternets. Using IoT, every objects are able to be connected with the Internet.Whilst the impact of IoT on economics and societies around the world isundisputed, the fundamental background technologies facilitating suchubiquitous connectivity is recently commenced to take a shape. Differentindustries have started believing the power of IoT to meet the importantindustrial criteria of power efficiency, reliability, predictable and boundedlatency, scalability and Internet connectivity. In this regards, IEEE and IETFhave standardized a set of protocols to respond to the increasing demand of IoTapplications with above mentioned criteria. In this lecture, I willfocus on the IETF 6TiSCH minimal configuration standard for efficient network bootstrappingof hundreds of wireless nodes deployed in a region. The IEEE 802.15.4e TSCHlink layer protocol allows nodes to change their physical channels (calledchannel hopping) after every transmission of packets to eliminate the impact ofinterference and multi-path fading on communicating channels. However, newnodes (aka pledges) take more time to join a 6TiSCH network due to this channelhopping feature, resulting in significantly high energy consumption. Due to theresource constrained (i.e. limited processing capability, memory, and powersupply) devices used in the 6TiSCH network, researchers are attempting tominimize the pledges’ joining time in order to lower their energy usage,resulting in longer network lifetime. Furthermore, the faster bootstrapping of6TiSCH network helps in improving effective packet delivery. To date, numerous solutionshave been offered by various researchers in order to speed up the formation of6TiSCH network. In this lecture, I will discuss an overview of 6TiSCH network,its formation procedure and challenges, followed by few recently proposedsolutions taking from the representative state-of-the-art in this field.

Manas Khatua, IIT Guwahati

Dr. Manas Khatua is working as Assistant Professor in the Dept. ofComputer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,India, since May 2018. Prior to that, he was an Assistant Professor in theDept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur,from 2016 to 2018, and was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at SingaporeUniversity of Technology and Design, Singapore, from 2015 to 2016. He completedhis Ph.D. in Wireless Networks from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,India, in 2016. He passed M.Tech. in Information Technology from BengalEngineering and Science University, Shibpur, India, and B.Tech. in Computer Science& Engineering from University of Kalyani, India, in 2007 and 2003,respectively. He was associated with Tata Consultancy Services (India) for twoand half years, and worked as a Lecturer of Bankura Unnayani Institute ofEngineering, India, for more than two years. His research interests include Performance Evaluation of Communication Protocols, Internet ofThings, Wireless Networks, Sensor Networks, Network Security, Cloud and EdgeComputing, and Cyber Physical Systems. He is an author of many reputedinternational journal and conference publications. He is a member of IEEE andACM.