Network Seminar Series

5G and Beyond: A Networking Perspective

Raja Datta, IIT Kharagpur



Next generation networks need to provide higher data rates, increased capacity and enhanced network coverage. Since data network service demands are growing at a rapid pace as compared to the capacity and resources of the underlying technology, the fifth-generation (5G) networks needs to take care of the high volume of data along with various types of its usages. Due to different types of requirements, the 5G network operators need to provide portions of their networks for specific customer uses cases, as for example, the smart phone, the health care unit, the Internet of Things (IoT) unit, the smart home, the connected car, or the smart energy grid. Further, the increased computational cost and time is a big concern and needs to be taken care of by processing the client data at the periphery of the network close to the source. All these gives a new paradigm to the future telecommunication networks. In this talk an overview of the upcoming technology and its few challenges will be discussed.

Raja Datta, IIT Kharagpur

Raja Datta completed his MTech and PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and is a now Professor with the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering in the same Institute. He is presently the Head of Computer and Informatics Centre and an Ex-Head of G. S. Sanyal School of Telecommunications at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. He has more than 100 publications in international journals and conferences. Apart from guiding several doctoral and MS students, he has successfully completed several other projects of national importance sponsored by Ministry of Indian Railways, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Dept of Information Technology, etc. Prof. Datta was the Coordinator for Technical Teachers Training programme from IIT Kharagpur under National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) in which approx. 50 thousand technical teachers across India were trained (The program was conducted from 2013 to 2018 jointly with IIT Bombay). He was the Chairman of the IEEE Kharagpur Section, India in 2014 during which the section received the best small section award in Region 10. His main research interests include 5G networks, vehicular networks, virtual network functions and edge computing, Internet of things, inter-planetary networks, mobile ad hoc and sensor networks, WDM an elastic optical networks.