Network Seminar Series

Traffic Dynamics-Aware Probe Selection for Fault Detection in Networks

Neminath Hubballi, IIT Indore



Fault detection in modern networks is done with a set of specially instrumented nodes which send probes to find health of other nodes. These probes generate additional traffic in the network and compete with other regular traffic for bandwidth. In this talk, we will discuss a problem of dynamically changing the probes based on traffic dynamics experienced by nodes. To change the probes dynamically, we use the traffic profiles generated with I/O statistics. The idea is to generate a weighted graph of the network using these traffic profiles and subsequently select a set of probes such that every node is probed by at least one probe and the selected probes pass through less congested nodes. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a NP complete problem. We will discuss few greedy algorithms to select probes from these weighted graphs of the network. We will also briefly discuss the simulation experiments and evaluation done with large scale graphs taken from the ISP networks.

Neminath Hubballi, IIT Indore

Dr. Neminath Hubballi is an Associate Professor in theDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of TechnologyIndore. He earned his PhD from IIT Guwahati. He and his research team mainlywork on problems related to Network Security, System Security, and FaultDetection in Networks. Prior to joining IIT Indore, he has worked withHewlett-Packard, Infosys Lab, and Samsung R&D on various projects. Heserved as TPC co-chair of IEEE ANTS 2018 and designated as TPC chair of IEEEANTS 2021. He has been awarded a DUO-India fellowship in the year 2020 to visitCity University of London for a collaborative research work. He was a visitingresearcher at NTNU Norway in the year 2019.