This talk describes a reliable and scalable approach for real-time estimation of link speeds (i.e., traffic speeds on specific road segments) based on video feeds coming from monocular cameras. We detect and track vehicles of specific types, identify anchor points (or keypoints) on them, compute their poses, and use this information to estimate their speeds. We use deep learning methods for vehicle detection, tracking, keypoint detection and localization, and traditional 3D pose estimation techniques for which precise mathematical solutions are available. Thus, our approach exploits the best of both worlds. The proposed approach does not require any physical measurements (extrinsics) in the road scene, making it scalable and easy to install. Our results on video feeds from Bangalore, India, show that the method is able to generalize well for cameras mounted on streetlight poles, congested traffic situations, and various lighting conditions. Thus, the solution is suitable for emerging market scenarios where traffic tends to be chaotic and dense, and mounting speed sensors or strategically located downward-facing cameras is not feasible. The code and dataset for this work have been made available. This work was carried out in collaboration with Shantam Shorewala and Prajwal Rao, and was recently presented at the 2020 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)Rhodes, Greece.
Dr. Raghu Krishnapuram is a Distinguised Member of Technical Staff at RBCCPS, IISc, Bangalore. He received his B.Tech. degree from IIT Bombay in 1978, and his M.S. degree from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, in 1984. After graduating with a PhD in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1987, he worked initially at the University of Missouri, Columbia, and later at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden until the year 2000. Most recently, he served as the Head of the R&D and IP Cell, as well as a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, at the Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Earlier, he spent 16 years in industry R&D. From 2000 to 2013, he held various leadership positions at IBM Research India. During the last 4 years of his tenure at IBM Research India, he served as Associate Director, where he led projects in the area of “Knowledge, Information, and Smarter Planet Solutions”, with a particular focus on emerging markets. He also served as a relationship manager for IBM’s services divisions such as IBM Global Process Services and IBM Business Services during this time. During 2014-15, he worked at the IBM T J Watson Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, where he was a technical leader for cognitive computing research. He was also the Program Manager, Financial Services, Xerox Research Centre India, during 2015-16. Dr. Raghu has published about 170 papers in journals and conferences, many with a very high citation count. He has filed over 40 patent disclosures at the US Patent Office. He has been recognized as a Master Inventor by IBM and has served on the Technology Council of the IBM Academy of Technology. He is also a Fellow of the IEEE and the Indian National Academy of Engineers (INAE).