Network Seminar Series

Enhancing QoS in Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network

Sangita Dhara, IIT Kharagpur



In this talk, I will discuss two topics of study. Maximizing Throughput for InterPlanetary networks: My current work, building around on the topic of my Ph.D. dissertation, focuses on maximizing throughput in interplanetary network. Interplanetary Network (IPN) or Deep Space Network (DSN) provides communication between stations on Earth and other remote Spacecrafts, Satellites, Orbiters, Lander and Rovers. Interplanetary communication is different from our terrestrial communication because it poses some specific characteristics like long propagation delay, intermittent connectivity, asymmetric bandwidth, etc. In the future, many more spacecraft, landers, rovers and relay orbiters will be launched in deep space and therefore, deep space network has to undergo many changes as traffic load and type of communication. Deep space data transmission, therefore, will not be a pre-scheduled time/bandwidth specific communication as it exists now. Multiple deep space nodes may transmit huge amount of data to the Earth station (destination) using limited bandwidth and multiple hops. Therefore, we have critically examined whether the limited and precious bandwidth of the network is being put to the best possible use.Enhancing QoS in in Information-Centric Vehicular Networks: With the experience of working with a network where connection are intermittent, in my post doctorate study I would like to work with vehicle to vehicle networking (VANET). This has been evolved as a core technology for ensuring safety, managing traffic, and providing comfort to the users in vehicular environments.

Sangita Dhara, IIT Kharagpur

Sangita Dhara is currently a Ph.D. research scholar in Advanced Technology Development Centre at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. In her research, she is focusing on maximizing throughput in interplanetary networks. She received the B.Tech degree in Information Technology from West Bengal University of Technology in 2010 and the MS (by Research) degree from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in 2013. She was working in projects sponsored by SAC, Ahmedabad (ISRO) titled ‘Enhancement of transport layer protocol for interplanetary network’ from Oct 2010 to Mar 2013 and ‘Protocol development for delay tolerant deep space network’ form Jun 2013 to Mar 2017 respectively. Her main research interest is computer networks and design of algorithms. She is an IEEE Student member.