A TI application is a networked human-in-the loop application which makes it a closedloop feedback system requiring control over a network when faced with network uncertainties. TI requires ultra-low latencies (under 1ms) and ultra-high reliability of 99.999% typically known as ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC). A typical haptic application consists of Human Operator operating haptic devices, interacting with the teleoperated environment through a communication infrastructure. Problem Statement – Designing URLLC networks and edge intelligence techniques to demonstrate Tactile Internet applications such as remote operation and remote learning Research Undertaken – We improved our Tactile Cyber-Physical System (TCPS) testbed where the Human-Operator domain consists of a force-feedback device (Geomagic Touch), the Network domain consists of a TSN switch built on a P4-programmable hardware running at line-rate and a teleoperated UR3 robot.
Contributions to CNI
• Helped in conducting the CNI hackathon on the theme of AI and ML/analytics • Worked on setting up an FPGA-based PCIe network card called NetFPGA SUME and Netronome Agilio SmartNIC as an SDN switch with programmable control plane and P4-programmable data plane to conduct any future experiments